Officine Urbane

Officine Urbane



project [location] client [year] services
The ten-years social housing plan twenty years after its application OIKOS Centro Studi [2003] CL
Social housing and city - European experiences, research and design experiments Department of Environment, Land and Architecture - UNIPARMA [2008] CS
Regional scenarios for social housing policies Confocooperative Emilia Romagna [2009] CL *
Housing Project/Study on socio-economic housing market and social housing Reggio Emilia's municipality [2009] CL *
Urbanity + Rurality [Reggio Emilia] Indipendent research [2011] RS
[Co]M-Unity:[Co]-Working, [Co]-Housing, [Co]-Living [Reggio Emilia] Indipendent research [2012/...] RS




RS:responsable for research


* with Caire scarl